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The Skimm
The Skimm
theSkimm makes it easier to live smarter
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Teach Me How to Debuggie

If you’ve ever heard us talk about hiring (see here and here) you know one of the biggest hurdles in the early days of theSkimm was hiring engineers. Why? We had no idea how to talk to them (What’s a tech stack? Do we get our own cloud?)

Our Go-To Interview Questions, Part 2

We recently published a blog about our go-to interview questions, plus some from our Skimm team managers. You asked for more, so welcome to part 2. Below are a few things our team leads ask when candidates interview at theSkimm, and why.

Billy, Don’t Be a Hero: Our Top Meltdowns

When we first started theSkimm, we were at a small dinner and sitting next to the CEO of a Fortune 500 company. Skimm A asked the CEO what she does when she just needs to freak out about something. Does she cry? Does she have a parent/SO/friend to call and…

Three Truths and a Mistake

Exactly a year ago, we launched a new product extension. It is called Skimm Ahead. The thought was we could make it easier to live a smarter life if you know how to plan ahead. Calendar apps are one of the most used apps for female millennials and no one was thinking about them in…